Friday, May 27, 2011


What would happen if every actor knew the ABC’S of acting? The Kenyan Acting scene would evolve to higher levels. All actors would be equipped for both local and international screen castings. You may be asking yourself how this could happen. Come and find out at The Casting Workshop on June 18th 2011.
Acting for Cinema Training School-ACTS- is hosting a second workshop. The Casting workshop will have key facilitator Virginia Clay, who has been acting for 17years in the media of TV, Film and Theatre in the UK and the USA.  Her passion has transformed from a niche to a need in the Kenyan Industry as she sees raw untapped talent daily. She is well versed in the ABC of Acting and will take you through the Casting Workshop, highlighting your strengths and weaknesses. She will be assisted by local stars.
The Workshop: The workshop will be divided into two sections over two days.
Day one: An intense all-day learning session on how to give powerful and effective screen auditions for a fee of KShs 1000 This will include a detailed booklet of invaluable notes sent to you via email.
Day Two: A one-to-one session with our Facilitator.  This is a unique opportunity for you to put your learning into practice. Structured like a professional screen casting, there will be an interview and the chance to read for an actual screen role.  However, the added benefit of this session is that you will receive feedback and coaching on the day.  This personal casting and coaching session is available for a fee of KShs1000. The audition will be filmed and a DVD of your work will also be available for KShs 500
Fees:  The fee structure is flexible to ensure it suits your pocket. You can come to Day One only should you choose, but it is essential that you attend the main workshop if the one-to-one casting session is to be of benefit. Pay KShs 1000 for workshop and KShs 1000 for the casting and top it up with your own DVD at KShs 2,500… or just attend the workshop.  Pick and choose!

And now FilmKenya has a deal for 10 of it's lucky fans. The first 5 actors to comment on this Facebook note and the first 5 to comment on this blogpost expressing a desire to attend will get a waiver of an entire 1500 shillings!! FilmKenya will cover your costs for the essential DAY 1 of the workshop and the very kind and understanding people at ACTS have agreed to waive the DVD fees for the ten actors from FilmKenya. So you'll only pay 1000/= for day two in order to get the DVD, which as you've just been told, will be free for you!! There's a catch by the way, FilmKenya will be shooting a short film soon after and the ten actors/actresses will get a chance(if they're willing) to show what they learned. So how about it?? GET COMMENTING!!

Date: 18th June 2011                    
Time: 8.30a.m-4.30p.m                 
Place: French Cultural Centre
E-mail: **available on request**

Friday, May 6, 2011


When I started this blog last year in December, SHUGA had just been released and exhibited on local television and to be honest, it was awesome! It was the first production that truly proved a point I had been trying to convince a few obstinate friends about for a while; that internationally competitive quality can be achieved with an all-Kenyan cast. I mentioned it HERE.

Well, the kind folks who produced the film posted it up in its entirety(all 3 parts) on VIMEO and even though I had stumbled upon the links a while earlier, it took a post by a recent friend of mine on her blog ( to finally remind me to link you guys up with it!!